Reverend Kanyere Eaton is the shepherd of the beloved flock of God at Fellowship
Covenant Church in the Bronx, New York. She is the first woman to serve in
this capacity in the 121-year history of this congregation. Since her arrival in
2010, the congregation has matured in its appetite for God’s Word and in its
quest for the revelation of his will, adopting as its mission: the engagement
of God’s people for worship; the equipping of God’s people for service and
the empowerment of God’s people for leadership. Through teaching,
preaching, training, and nurture, Pastor Eaton endeavors to educate and
inspire Christ’s church to grow into the measure of the full stature of Christ.
Pastor Eaton has been in active ministry for nearly thirty years and has
professional backgrounds in social work, philanthropy, substance abuse
recovery, and hunger prevention. Dr. Kanyere Eaton earned a Bachelor of
Science degree from Cornell University in 1993; a Master of Science and
Social Work degree from Columbia University in 1997, a Master of Divinity
degree from Union Theological Seminary in 1997, and a Doctorate of
Ministry degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary in 2021. Pastor
Eaton is married to Elder James Dennis, with whom she shares a love for
Christian ministry.