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Service to the body of Christ and for the Kingdom of God.

“We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.” – Romans 12:6-8 NRSV

Engaging God’s people for worship, Equipping God’s people for service, and Empowering God’s people for leadership.

Adult Christian Education (ACE)

The Adult Christian Education Ministry hosts Sunday School classes on biblical topics, and themes.

The Altar Worker Team

This team ministers to those who are being touched and moved by the Holy Spirit during services of worship (on-site). They provide those who are slain in the Spirit with coverings for modesty.

Humble Hands Ministry

Humble Hands is one of Fellowship’s Outreach Ministries that serve the community one need at a time. Whether it’s serving the community a hot meal every lst and 3rd Saturday of the month, hosting the back to school giveaway, or facilitating the warm clothing drive. We strive to meet the needs of the Castle Hill community.

Media Team

The Media Ministry hosts our Livestreams, recordings and Zoom meetings. This team ensures the microphones, cameras, screens and sound system are operational and provides graphics for our virtual space.

Men's Ministry

Men’s Fellowship Ministry

The Men’s Fellowship hosts monthly gatherings called “Manna for Men” and quarterly ½ day workshops entitled, “Breakfast with the Brothers.” Participants learn God’s Word together, share with one another, pray for one another and grow in grace as brothers in Christ. All the men of Fellowship Covenant Church and our surrounding community are invited to participate.

Ministry of Compassion

The Ministry of Compassion provides groceries to members and neighbors who are food insecure on bi-weekly on Wednesdays.

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry provides fresh and non-perishable food to the community and church members on Wednesdays between 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry is responsible for welcoming and seating the congregation and guests during Sunday Worship services and other special events.

Congregational Care

Congregational Care Ministry is responsible for providing the sick, shut-in, needy and at-risk members with confidential support and prayer. Workshops on topics of interest to the congregation are hosted on an annual basis.

Covenant Love Couples Ministry

The Covenant Love Ministry provides a source of encouragement and support to married couples and promotes biblical strategies for strengthening the marital union.

Children and Youth Ministry

The Children and Youth Ministry provides age appropriate worship and learning for children ages 4-18. Children worship in the lower level 2nd , 3rd , 4th Sundays and in the sanctuary on 1 st and 5th Sundays (when on-site). Virtually, there are Zoom gatherings.

Deacon Board 2022

Deacon Board

The Deacon Board is composed of church officers who are servants of Christ, the pastor and the congregation. They lead in preparation for the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. They welcome those seeking a new relationship with Christ to the altar, and those seeking to join the congregation through a new member orientation process. The Deacon Board regularly prays for homebound members, visits hospitalized members and honors senior members with two annual luncheons.

women's fellowship tea

Women’s Fellowship Ministry

The Women’s Fellowship Ministry helps to bring women into a more intimate relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior through unique programs, retreats and prayer services.

The Worship Planning Committee

The Worship Planning Committee meets monthly to assess the effectiveness of elements of our worship services and to collaborate on the planning of special liturgical services

Temple Visions Ministry

The Temple Visions Ministry seeks to beautify the house of the Lord with decorations and floral arrangements that reflect the beauty of holiness.

Trustee Board

The Trustee Board is responsible for overseeing the church’s finances, counting and keeping track of weekly collections, presenting the proposed annual budget to the membership and providing members with donation statements for their records.

Prayer Team Ministry

The Prayer Team intercedes for members and leaders of our congregation during early morning prayer calls.