
Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry is responsible for welcoming and seating the congregation and guests during Sunday Worship services and other special events.


Food Pantry

The Food Pantry provides fresh and non-perishable food to the community and church members on Wednesdays between 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.


Evangelism and Outreach Ministry

The Evangelism ministry welcomes visitors to our worship services and does outreach in the Castle Hill community within the Bronx, sharing the good news of the Gospel, praying for those who request it and inviting neighbors into a life-giving relationship with a loving God.


Deacon Board

The Deacon Board is composed of church officers who are servants of Christ, the pastor and the congregation. They lead in preparation for the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. They welcome those seeking a new relationship with Christ to the altar, and those seeking to join the congregation through a new member orientation process....


Covenant Love Couples Ministry

The Covenant Love Ministry provides a source of encouragement and support to married couples and promotes biblical strategies for strengthening the marital union.


Congregational Care

Congregational Care Ministry is responsible for providing the sick, shut-in, needy and at-risk members with confidential support and prayer. Workshops on topics of interest to the congregation are hosted on an annual basis.


Children and Youth Ministry

The Children and Youth Ministry provides age appropriate worship and learning for children ages 4-18. Children worship in the lower level 2nd , 3rd , 4th Sundays and in the sanctuary on 1 st and 5th Sundays (when on-site). Virtually, there are Zoom gatherings.


The Altar Worker Team

This team ministers to those who are being touched and moved by the Holy Spirit during services of worship (on-site). They provide those who are slain in the Spirit with coverings for modesty.


Adult Liturgical Dance Ministry

The liturgical dancers minister on Sunday mornings and during special events. They dance to Christian music with lyrics that complement the liturgical season or special event.